Sunday 18 March 2012

5 Reason not to buy BSNL Tablets

NO! We are not saying you shouldn’t buythem. You should, and you must, if you feel the need and have the sense that you’ll use the device in a respectful manner. But what if you want to know thedrawbacks of the devices and based on that, will base your buying decision. Nothing is perfect, so are these devices. So,we’ll have a look at the factors which make them not so perfect in our view. Alsosee BSNL tablets alternative

1. No SIM card slot in the basic (IS701R) model: Okay, it has been debated, argued, agreed and battled for the fact that no SIM card holds no place for the common user. Let’s face it, one can’t go searching the Wi-Fi for their tablets when they hit the road. We want an all time on connection which keeps us connected 24×7, even though we are justchatting away with girls over Facebook.
2. No option to make a phone call in ANY of the model: I don’t know what exactly these guys at Pantel were thinking when they took UbiSlate7 as a benchmark for their devices, but man, they have made a blaring omission of not including a option to create phone callusing SIM through the device. On the other hand though, we are still wondering how exactly would people look like holding an8-inch brick against their ear, figuring out what the person on the other side is trying to say. Probably like this:
3. No detailed information about the devices: On a serious note, no device, NOTEVEN ONE, has been explained in detail and thoroughly on their website and only hardware specifications are provided. It’s just like handing you over the menu card and not telling you how the food is. There should be some real-time demonstration.
4. Crappy BSNL coverage in many places: It’s a known fact that at many places, mainly in faraway villages, there’s no telephone network coverage of any company, leave alone BSNL’s, for that matter. And there is network dropping issues while switching places inside a house even. But what we are trying to say is, unless and until there is robust network reach and foolproof connection stability of BSNL at most parts of India, they won’t find pearls looking at the level of land barely below the feet.
5. Not all that shines like gold, is one: Yes, and all the things which looks and say of being promising, might be very well those ones which are waiting to get yourmoney out of your pocket. If you fall in those category of people who want to wait-and-laugh-at-other’s-heartbreaks, hold on for some more timetill you get laughed backk at. If you fall in those category of people who want to get their hands on anything hot and thencry for the burns, go get yours quick so that you at least have a point of envy among your friends.So that’s it! 5 reasons. Share it among your friends and discuss what your five reasons to-buy or-not-to-buy BSNL tablets are.

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