Tuesday, 22 May 2012


*.17/05/12 Hot "Start / end / beginning of the text," set to the lower border, in neposredsvennom input moves the carriage to the beginning or end of text.*.

5.6.12 In the long telephone hold button, change the case of direct entry into the field, changing the current layout to the next, except for the disabled in the settings and digital layout.b18*.02/05/12 Tip of the chosen hot at the lower border.*.29/04/12 Export list to a text file.*.04/23/12 For the bookmarks and search engines can install an icon from the disk.*.14/04/12 Banner on "Close Tab".*.11/04/12 Fit to interface adds a new item for the custom size.*.5.4.12 AutoCorrect characters in file names when loading / unloading in FTP.*.04/05/12 Hot on the lower border of (4 pieces).b17*.03/27/12 Setting limits on the maximumsize of the loaded page.*.27.03.12 jackdaw for conversion when exporting bookmarks from ARGB icons in PNG.*.03/27/12 In the color scheme added to the color settings dividers, drop down the list of input fields and input fields background, text, files and folders.*.27.03.12 jackdaw to duplicate the file export a color image file*.03/15/12 In the context menu file and ftp-added sub-managers "Mark."*.6/3/12 Codes issued a list of servers.*.3/3/12 In the jackdaw configured navigation to show cell changes Speed ​​Dial.b16*.b15*.01/27/12 For the type of buttons, links on the home button is added to the Bookmarks, History, and saved pages.*.24.01.12 "NoTouch"-version (opera-mini-4.21.15_notouch.jar) with a disabled module for touch screens.*.01/12/12 To link button.The color, select[Menu: The base color of the buttons, links] replace the [Menu: Background: mid].From the calculated color of the color buttons, links.*.11.01.12 Separate setting the font size for Wirth.keyboard.*.9.1.12 Notification after downloading theofficial boot (boot configuration parameters of the mode).*.9.1.12 To change the style of sensor available home pages and menus (large buttons, links).b14*.12/25/11 In the dialog history added to remove the rooks on the removal of the list to download and download history.*.19/12/11 In the tab menu item was added to create the response tab - This tab will open slave all links with a leading tab.*.04.12.11 Quick navigation links.Select the type of selectable items, and type of treatment pressing.*.28/11/11 File lengpaka can select in the settings view.b13*.22/11/11 If you disable full screen mode and duplicated softknopok enabled in the settings form includes duplicating the Save and Cancel buttons.*.22/11/11 Added two servers.In the network settings you can change the server code.IMPORTANT!Do not change unless you know what it is.If the code is changed to an invalid, and access to the server has stopped, clean the box with code and click "Save."*.11/19/11 Borders can turn off "one by one."For sensor devices curbs can hide and show by pressing the sliders.Clickingon the upper edge switches the type of information on it.*.13/11/11 For touch screens, if you disable the tab bar at the upper border of the icon shows a list of open tabs.List of tabs opened on the icon of the upper border, originally intended to select the tab.By clicking the "Edit" list of switches to control the tabs.*.Added 1/11/11 hot to show the cursor.b12*.27.10.11 Selection of external graphics file "f.png" and map "g" position of icons.*.25/10/11 In the settings view you can select the size dependence of the interface.The graphics are now used, indicating the position and size.The archive is a file "g".Comments - the entire line after the "#" character can be removed.In test versions so far are for the convenience of creating new grafpakov.Tip: If you change the size of icons, stick to the original proportions.Depending on the mode icons on the size of the logo will depend on the size of the top panel, from hot tips - the lower of the page icon - other.*.10/23/11 dividers between the links on the home, in history, bookmarks, a file manager.*.17/10/11! OFF!In setting the screen orientation is added using an accelerometer (not verified).*.13/10/11 In the setting of type checkbox to display the cursor on all pages (exceptfor the system).b11*.1/10/11 Move the stylus elements in the Express-panel and FTP-accounts.*.09/29/11 Kinetic scrolling pages.*.27.09.11 Animation virt.klaviatury nomination.*.09/25/11 Custom layout for virt.klaviatury is in the file k, where the layout and user for tsiforovyh buttons.System keys are marked with symbols:'B' slaughter, 'R' new line, 'C' Cyrillic layout, 'L' layout of the Latin, 'U' with theumlaut characters, 'S' change case, 'N' numbers and some symbols, 'Y' other characters.b10*.09/20/11 Added use of alternative encodings for drawing text.The programspelled out in the code re-encoding of UTF-8 -> Windows-1251.Now you can specify your own conversion tables to draw font.The outer table of the encoding - the file"cp.map", located in the same folder as the font files ("F_b.ftb", "F_r.ftb","F_b.png", "F_r.png").Read with the font files.The table is a binary file, which registered code-UTF characters drawing the font (the font file structure remains the same) with the position where this code (or rather, a halving of the position of the code - the character position in theimage).For example, the Cyrillic character "a" is equal to UTF8 code 0x430, existing maps and pictures of the font, the character is at position 192.increase it to two (in sizerepresentation of the code UTF8 - 0x0000.. 0xFFFF) and have a position 384 (0x180), iein the file table in position 384 (0x180) has to be code 0x0430:0180h: April 30 ...., ..,By analogy with this code are filled all the positions of the symbols used to draw font.Unused characters are filled with code 0x0000.At position 120 (in the currently available figures drawing font) is the image of a character not included in this table.*.09/20/11 Proxy CMWAP (*.09/20/11 Correction of font height (Padding).*.18.09.11 Virtual keyboard for direct input field.(Just touch screens)b9*.7.9.11 Adjustable font size in the direct input.*.6.9.11 The external fonts.Made as a replacement for one of the system (customizable).We use four files:"F_b.ftb", "F_r.ftb" - maps for bold and normal font;"F_b.png" "F_r.png" - pictures of fat and normal fonts.The card has the format:total number of characters (1 byte, 0 ... 255) count of symbols in image F_x.png (equals for bold and regular types)number of lines in the figure F_x.png (1 byte, 0 ... 255) count of symbol's lines in image F_x.png (for current type - bold or regular)height of the characters (1 byte, 0 ... 255) height of symbols in F_x.pngspace between characters (1 byte, 0 ... 255) space between symbols for drawingon screen (for current type - bold or regular)4 to indicate the fat, and 7 for a simple font (1 byte, 0 ... 255) decimal 4 - for bold font and decimal seven for regular bold's typewidth of each character (byte array = total number of characters, 0 ... 255) width of every symbols in image F_x.png(for current type - bold or regular)and the great powers let you'll take on how to make the size of the map is different from"obschee_kolichestvo_simvolov + 5"Fonts are read once (saving settings) from the file system and stored in the RMS, where subsequently loaded.Jackdaw "Update" in the settings updatesthe fonts from the file system.*.9.4.11 In the dialog history added cleaning rooks on the additional parameters removed.b8*.08/29/11 In setting the display windows startup item was added to ignore.Changed and that it display the window and restore the session.*.26/08/11 Count characters in the field ofdirect input.*.08/24/11 In the Copy menu command is added to "cut".*.08/24/11 In the list menu items added tothe tab "Back" and "Reset" to change the selected items.*.8.24.11 During operation and when leaving, the settings stored in the currentsession, which can be restored the next time.In the "Quick Links" you can choose how to run a browser.*.20/08/11 Hot on the "Select Text".*.20.08.11 In the file and FTP managers to overwrite the team added "Yes to all."b7*.14/08/11 Custom layout for direct entry in the file "k" in the archive jar:The name of the layout - [L] [LC] [CL] [C] [N]The first character - 0 .. 9 * # - key for which specifies a sequence of characters.Subsequent to end of line characters - a sequence search.Newline is referred to as "\ n".To specify the shift key after the first character in nothing more to enter.*.14/08/11 wrap text in the field of direct input.*.08/11/11 Multibufer exchange in the direct input of text.*.07/08/11 Avtosmena register in the direct input of text.Avtosmena language in the address field.*.4.8.11 Edit a text file in direct mode, text input.*.4.8.11 Patterns for direct input of text.b6*.18.07.11 Multi-field direct input.b5*.1.7.11 The selected text can be opened as a reference.*.1.7.11 Full name in history.*.07/01/11 For devices with touch screens on the bottom edge rather than a single command "Back" arrow image added to the functions of the "Back" and "Next."*.1.7.11 The notice an error opening the page added a notification about the successful opening.b4*.28/06/11 When you start checking for downloads, waiting for the scheduled time and the message, if any.*.28/06/11 In the menu of direct address input item was added to the "Open URL".*.25.06.11 Web search selected text on the page.*.19.06.11 jackdaw to change the layout ofbuttons [*] [0] [#].b3b2b1*.16.5.11 Select and copy text directly from the page.*.30/04/11 User mode.The color scheme isincreased by two values.Posted[Modified]Fixb19*.20.5.12 Changing the color scheme - Added setting the text color for the system pages.*.17/05/12 If you run the program with an error occurs, you receive a message with the number of steps and an error in this step.*.05/14/12 In a direct input to switch the layout of the long '(or # if the file layoutas prescribed) is available, and digital layouts.*.11.5.12 Changing the algorithm to work with text in a telephone input field.(TEST!)*.5.8.12 When the counter in the direct input of characters displayed, "the current line number: the position of the carriage in the line / number of selected characters (total number of lines: the total number of characters)."The number of lines indicates the real line, separated by newlines instead of a stringused to display, broken, in addition to line breaks, and even in width.*.5.6.12 Replacing the text in the box, the text selected from the list, just enter the address for the server or any server code from the list and enter the address from the list of addresses and to enter a search string in the list of search strings.In other cases, the selected text is added to the existing one.b18*.5.5.12 Select the text at the entrance to the box when you rename the FM and FTP- name only, excluding the extension.*.5.5.12 Changes in the creation and processing of commands.*.5.5.12 Select the text at the entrance to the direct input is disabled in the settingsof the text.*.02/05/12 Hint hint of a link is drawn as overlay.Colors "54.Hint: background" and "55.Hint: text, border," are no longerused in the program.*.29/04/12 Setting up adding items to the list: new top or bottom.Alphanumeric Sorting in lists.*.04/26/12 With the buttons, links are included on the website, the address of the selected link in the entry is not deleted when the stylus input field is selected.When you click on a page simply an address from the input field is removed.*.4/26/12 Removed the cycle when you edit the colors in the color scheme.*.04/23/12 At the opening of the input field to rename a file / folder, edit bookmarks, saved pages, search engine, or templates, text input field is highlighted.*.4/23/12 show with an asterisk (*) in front of a full size page in the status of the load, if it is included limiting the size of the page.*.14/04/12 Notification of the presence of fixed tabs appear regardless of jackdawsto confirm the exit.*.11/04/12 In the list of tabs in the Edit mode, click "Close" is duplicated from themenu.*.11/04/12 Notification of the need to restart when you change the settings user interface size.*.11/04/12 "Return the text" is available from the field of direct input.*.8.4.12 Restriction on size has two types of processing: Warning about the size before uploading and downloading in excess of stop.*.08/04/12 For the lower border of the hotdrawn icons instead of numbers (for Bookmarks, History, filemanager, FTPmenedzher, Loader, Home Page, enterthe address, new tab).*.08.04.12 Animation showing / hiding the hot on the bottom border.*.4.2.12 The color and shade level stored inthe color scheme.Level - in the form of acolor alfakanala*.4.2.12 The menu command is added directly enter the "Create search ..."and"Current Page."b17*.03/30/12 Change window color selection.*.30.03.12 Smooth scrolling factored out of the total set of special effects.*.03/30/12 On the home page link button are shifted below.*.27.03.12 Inclusion and the type of direct entry separated.*.03/27/12 Change of text in the box on the home address.*.03/27/12 "Old" and "new" type of keyboard selected in the settings.*.24/03/12 Change virt.klaviatury rendering.The colors added to the color scheme.Change lengpaka.*.03/21/12 Automatically switch the language when you open the entry field to check on the availability of language options.(Does not affect the current change if the proposed language is not available)*.03/21/12 Loading icons and names whenediting a search engine.*.03/21/12 In the direct input soft-delete command is processed when pressed.*.03/18/12 The exception appears in the context menu when you select text from a page of items for opening links, if a page is an open text field.*.03/18/12 Expansion of the color scheme to customize the colors of buttons, links.*.3/18/12 Stripes status of downloading and opening the program are made rounded.*.03/15/12 In the context menu of hot shows their status (checkbox before the name, if hot active).*.03/15/12 Drop-down lists by pressing the stylus close by them.*.12.03.12 Processing software and clicking on the letting go of Joy is disabled for devices with an uncertain manufacturer.*.3/12/12 Direct Entry closes completely, allowed only to enter an address or always allowed.*.03/12/12 On the home on the address field is always otobrazhetsya text www.At the entrance to the field presence of the text depends on the settings.*.03/09/12 Change icons synchronization.*.03/09/12 Lists, unless a separate window open for them, are disclosed under the field.*.9.3.12 When the register virt.klaviatury, the top row of characters (in the long press) also alter its register.*.3.6.12 In the FM to the lower edge when the menu button, Shortcuts added to the team to replace the windows FM.*.03/03/12 For the ordinary type of soft-keys and pressing Joey, if they are installed commands are handled by release.When you click on the frieze painted on the selection.Changing the allocation of rendering commands.*.3.3.12 The color Bottom border: the team: a selection: gradient: top / bottom moved to the place of the unused input field: akt.vydelenie: gradient: top / bottom.*.03/03/12 dividers in the address lists, search queries, servers.*.03.03.12 When you edit the bookmark icons load as thumbnails or as a favicon depends on the state of jackdaws.*.3.3.12 In the direct input mode when the user draws the text with color text modeuser.b16*.29.2.12 Changing the algorithm fast navigation.Redone without restriction in99 references.*.02/29/12 In the user mode adds the ability to keep the original color of the text.*.26/02/12 In the user mode setting is added to the choice of the elements considered to be references and the ability to keep the original color references.*.26.2.12 The input fields and lists them under the color change in user mode.*.02/23/12 Fat font folders included in your view.*.02/23/12 "Synchronize Opera ..."moved to your bookmarks.*.02/23/12 thumbnail icons are loaded only when you update the home page.*.20.2.12 shift selection menu item followed by movement of the stylus-only menu fit on the screen.For "long" menu, it is scrolling.*.02/14/12 Disabled warning of the need to repeat the request - the request is repeated automatically.b15*.11.2.12 Setting the text buffer is removed from the "Memory Traffic", fixing the values ​​of the setting has been moved to "Text."*.02/11/12 By choosing a font size for the input item was added to "Automatic" to adjust the size of the font on the page.*.8.2.12 Changes in the status bar at the page load mode buttons, links in the menu.*.5.2.12 Resetting the settings in case of incorrect grafpaka.*.5.2.12 Changing the type of error when reading a page from the cache.*.5.2.12 When the menu button in the openfield I command "Update" is replaced by the "OK".*.05.02.12 "Long" menu you can scroll to an empty space, not only for the scroll bar.*.02/05/12 Change TextBox fields to enter numeric values ​​with NUMERIC to DECIMAL to be able to enter negative numbers.*.02/05/12 Folders in FM, bookmarks, templates are shown in bold.*.*.01/27/12 The interface buttons, links to home is available for "clean knopochnikov" (only in full version).*.01/27/12 In the direct input included in the link button in the menu, the Back and Forward commands move the cursor in the box.*.01/27/12 In user mode, text input fields and buttons is drawn to the color specified for links.*.25/01/12 thumbnails Speed ​​Dial on your home (at the interface buttons, links) on the 'big' screens are cut and displayed at the bottom of the text (as inthe desktop version).*.25/01/12 thumbnails Speed ​​Dial on your home (at the interface buttons, links) can be upgraded all at once with the command "Update".*.01/24/12 Change of rendering the position number for the express panel, a list of FTP-accounts, the list of hot.*.01/24/12 When the interface buttons, links in the express bar when loading names and icons are loaded miniature pages, but not favicon.*.15.1.12 Changing the color of the font rendering of folders in the bookmarks and templates.*.01/15/12 Change of rendering input fields and buttons in user mode.*.Dialogue 01/15/12 Yes \ No (except for removal) reissued in the overlay with the buttons for touch screens and commands at the lower border of the others.*.On 1/12/12 at virt.klaviature long hold the stylus on the button that has a second meaning, color and style of the symbol on the button changes to active.*.11/01/12 In Wirth.pulling the stylus keyboard is allocated a new key, and there is no reset.*.09.01.12 In the file-Ftp managers, bookmarks, templates, history, viewing the cache, if the selected files / folders, the central team has signed the "Select".*.09/01/12 Removed the server global-4-lvs-usa.opera-mini.net.*.1.6.12 The internal program name changed from "ragemosh" on"accentports", appeared not to post an update.*.4.1.12 The program for the device with ascreen width of 480 or 640 pixels tall.when installing pervaoy set with the largest font.*.1.3.12 The menu direct input for the address, search and change the server team added the "List".*.1.1.12 In the motion image viewer stylusleft and right-open previous next picture (only when the image size is smaller than the screen).*.28/12/11 Change display a list of hot.*.28/12/11 cursors with shadow or not displayed depending on the setting"Show shadows."*.28/12/11 Changed the status of hot user-mode mobile species, direct input, display settings are stored in the cursor.*.28/12/11 Link to the channels removed from the home page (also removed the image from grafpaka).Now, a reference to the channel is added as a separate reference to the Express-panel editing."Hot" [* 0] Express panel moved to the 10th processing links.Numbering of links to the Speed ​​Dial home.b14*.12/25/11 Hot "Quick Navigation" is available in the templates.Changing the process quick links navigation system.*.25.12.11 In the file manager, if you can not rename the file, then rename the file transfer method is repeated.*.12/25/11 Lang in the settings view shifted to the bottom.*.22.12.11 Number of bookmarks in the express panel increased.Changed the menu Speed ​​Dial.*.22.12.11 Optimization of the field of direct input.*.22/12/11 Changes in shear elements stylus.*.22/12/11 Change of user-mode algorithm.*.22/12/11 In the image viewer commands are displayed at the opening of a new image or pressing "*" or by holding the stylus.*.19/12/11 Text \ screen (all) when the direct input is shown in this form.*.19/12/11 In the window for selecting search engines added to the central command "OK".*.19.12.11 jackdaw to turn off the system icons on the home page.*.19/12/11 Reduced the minimum necessary to reset the sliders to move the context menu.*.19.12.11 Selection window of search engine is stored in the history of the movement.*.16/12/11 Circular scrolling list of hot forthe context menu.*.16.12.11 From the separator is drawn at full width.*.16/12/11 A quick navigation system links only open in the current tab.*.16/12/11 By tuning the size of the interface item was added to "Disabled."*.16/12/11 Change of command in the display image viewer.*.12/13/11 Change text rendering code.Changing the status of the text renderingrun.*.12/13/11 Hiding curb "tongues" when you click on the page, or scroll bar.*.12/13/11 Reduced the size of the block loading description in the status window.*.11/12/11 Stop scrolling horizontally - position on the blocks of data, you must enter the navigation.*.12/10/11 Changing the algorithm of taking the text from the page.*.12/07/11 When the direct input, renaming the file and ftp managers are directly on the page.*.07.12.11 Sort options specified in the navigation.*.12/07/11 Running receive cookies in the loader moved from a menu of input fields on the page as a button.*.04/12/11 For the template files, backups,meetings, lists of downloads icon is displayed settings.*.04/12/11 On the home page for the crossing points to your bookmarks, history, and saved pages show icon.*.28/11/11 Show Review from Jackdaw navigation has been moved to the settings view.*.28/11/11 Action by clicking the tabs at the curb is processed when released.*.28/11/11 With the right position of the status page, the icon will lock the mirror is reflected vertically.b13*.25/11/11 In setting the reference type tochange the color scheme is replaced by a button and change its name.*.25.11.11 Changes in the creation of icons.*.22.11.11 jackdaw configured to show thecurb "tongues."*.22/11/11 Runners curbs hidden under an open direct input.*.22/11/11 Changing the type of curb runners.*.22/11/11 Change separator in rendering overlays.*.22/11/11 According to Save, the positionis stored in the configuration pages.*.22/11/11 The icon list of open tabs, the tab number of the current drawn from the grafpaka (added numbers and increased size of the icon).*.22/11/11 Change of rendering an icon to create a new tab to the tab bar.*.22/11/11 When you open the list of tabs,the cursor is positioned on the current tab.*.13/11/11 For the majority of system pages are links to the full width.*.11/10/11 In a virtual keyboard layout changed.Now available multi-character combinations and double meanings which are activated by long (0.8 sec) retention of the stylus (nadsimvolnye).Accordingly, the modified layout file.For separating the buttons using the symbol"M" (Main), appearing after the values.Button to specify the value of long depression, this value is placed in front of the symbol "E" (Extended).For example, the layout of nadsimvolnymi 1234567890 qwertyuiop will look like:"qE1MwE2MeE3MrE4MtE5MyE6MuE7MiE8MoE9MpE0M"; single smile in the numeric layout specified as: "YM :) M ;) M: (M: '(M: oM: PM: $ MBM". Allowed no nadsimvolnyh values, but the lack of basic values ​​nedopuskaetsya.*.10.11.11 List of movements is also available when you click on the "Next".*.11/10/11 Opening of passing the menu item with submenus by pressing "Right" depends on jackdaw configured navigation.*.11/10/11 Added a new item in the setup of the kinetic scrolling.*.11/10/11 Automatic redial button pressed and held for a space, delete and transfer line in a multiline text box.*.11/07/11 Change of rendering the selection down to the lower border of the team.

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