Thursday, 29 December 2011

The 25 Worst Passwords in 2011: How to Make a Strong but Easy to Remember Password

Daily we reading news about hacking or stealing data in lots of online accounts like email, sns etc but still lots of awareness people using lots of worst passwords. A new report reveal that the highly used insecure password is 'password' itself. The 25 Worst Passwords in 2011 These very common and obvious phrases type of passwords make a compromise of your online account and data in it. This make it very easy to find a way to hole in security. A new report by Splashdata detailed about this truth which is posted at Mashable . Splashdata is a password management application provider and the report cleared that people using the passwords are easy to hack by simply repeating common words. Here is the list of top 25 commonly used passwords: 1. password 2. 123456 3.12345678 4. qwerty 5. abc123 6. monkey 7. 1234567 8. letmein 9. trustno1 10. dragon 11. baseball 12. 111111 13. iloveyou 14. master 15. sunshine 16. ashley 17. bailey 18. passw0rd 19. shadow 20. 123123 21. 654321 22. superman 23. qazwsx 24. michael 25. football Tips to Creating a Highly Strong but Easy toRemember Password: Its highly advisable to not use above typesof easy passwords which may lead you to loose your online privacy or important online data. The question is " How to make a Strong but Easy to Remember Password ". Here some simple tips to remember and use a strong enough password by creating a unique password addon . First you need to select some of your favorite characters,symbols and numbers. Now arrange them to made case sensitive, now add first few letters of site where you setting a new password. For exp, my favorite movie is spiderman, get sman from this. Now add a symbol, for exp sman@. Now add numbers, for exp: sman@11. Now make it case sensitive, for exp: Sman@11. Here Sman@11 is your unique addon. Now for exp we setting password for facebook, usefirst 3-4 letters, for exp: Sman@11face. Its your new password for facebook. Its strong enough, secure to use, easy to remember same time and no one can trackor crack it easily. When setting password for another site just replace last four letters with that site name, for exp for Google: Sman@11goog, for Twitter: Sman@11twit etc. Also you can rearrange them to make more difficult, for exp first you can use letters from site name and then your unique addon or by adding moresymbol or numbers. Tell me what you think about this idea to make a strong password in seconds.