Thursday, 12 July 2012

Guide for podcasting your content

Step by step guide for podcasting You need content. You've got that. You don't have to have one, but a Blogging application or tool makes things easier. It sounds as if you might have that.
You need a place to put your mp3 files (that's called hosting, or "web hosting"). You need that. There are places out there that are low cost or free. Do your researchand look at more than just one place! I just want to go a little into hosting, without boring you to death. There are many different levels of hosting on the internet that serve many different purposes. When you use Blogger to set up a free blog, they are hosting your blog for you. When you make an account with YouTube and upload videos, they are hosting your videos. But in these two cases, there's a catch. They either offer limited space, limited features, or limited functionality. They will not work on their own for a podcast. That is why you need to find a company that offers more hosting options. You should look for a web host that is low cost, does not charge for bandwidth and doesn't lock you into long term contracts. They should offer plenty of server space tohost the files you expect to produce in a month, and provide site statistics. You want a host that will also work with the major blogging clients out there. There areservices out there that are free (but stick ads on your work) or cost only a few dollars per month. The Ferf listed a couple in his post to you. All of them are worth checking out. Once you have a server, you will be able toupload your files to a directory (folder) on the server, and then you will have your URL that your blog is asking for. A podcast url looks something like this:* * where "YourSite" and"YourPodcastDirectory" indicate whatever names you use for your domain (website) and your podcast's directory on the server,respectively.

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