Many times we need to download Android app's APK files to our computer for different uses. Here a new tutorials and Device ID Android app and APK Downloader 1.0 chrome extension which allow you to directly download apk from Android Market to your desktop in single click.
Tutorial is for educational purpose only.
Apk Downloader to Get Apk from Android Market With this method you need your Android phone's Device ID and account emails to use with APK Downloader chrome extension to use them to get all of your favorite apps to directly download to pc without need to download them in phone first and transfer to pc. The chrome extension and Device ID app are developedby redphx .
How to Download Android App APK Files From Android Market to PC:
Just carefully follow given steps and you'llbe able to get your favorite application's apk file in your computer/laptop.
~ First you need to download and install this little
APK Downloader 1.0.crx Chrome Extension Here
To use this extension you need latest version of Google Chrome 17 orabove. After installed APK Downloader youneed to disable chrome SSL error warningsotherwise it'll not work, just follow these steps:
~ Right click on Chrome shortcut, either from desktop or from start menu, select “Properties”. Now switch to “Shortcut” tab and in “Target” field, insert --ignore-certificate-errors at the endafter placing an space and click “OK”. It will look like this: C:\ --ignore-certificate-errors. See the image example.
Apk Downloader to Get Apk from Android Market Now close Chrome browser and open it again with that shortcut.
~ Now open APK Downloader chrome extension's options page (Goto Menu- Tools- Extension and click on Options in front of Apk Downloader). Enter your email id and password which associated with your Android phone's market accountand your 16 characters Device ID. Now question is that wow to get device id? There's easy way to get Email and Device ID of your Android phone, follow next step.just install Device ID 1.0.apk Here
, it will show you your emails and Device ID. Now enter your email, password, device idand press Login button. Now you're ready to use APK Downloader. The Apk Downloadicon will be visible in address bar's end.
~Now you can start using APK Downloaderto get apk from Android Market. Now openAndroid Market and navigate to any apps you wants to download the apk. Now press the APK Downloader icon on address bar. It'll immediately start the downloading of apk file from market in one click.
Green Icon of APK Downloader on Address Bar You can now easily download any Android app apk from Android Market and use it in different manners like you can transfer them to your Android phone or table.
This trick also may very useful to those phone who don’t have direct access to Android Market. Also it can download appsthat not available in your country or not compatible with your device. This method works on any OS like Windows, Linux, Mac with Google Chrome 17 or above.
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